A Czech Journey

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Annual Intentional Prayer Week for Czech Alliance Churches

Hi Everyone,
This week a group of churches including the Brno Fellowship Church that I work with are participating in their annual evening prayer meetings. The first one started on Sunday, the 9th and the last one will be tomorrow on the 16th. The meetings are held at different churches and a different pastor/church leader gives a devotional. The focus has been on what Jesus said on the cross. I haven't been able to attend every meeting but the ones I have attended have been quite interesting. There is such a diversity among the churches. For example, some of the worship songs are old hymns played on an organ while other songs are more of the contemporary worship songs led by a worship group. Each meeting opens with a few worship songs and ends with everyone reciting the Lord's prayer. It has helped me to become familiar with the Czech version of the Lord's prayer and I am close to having all the Czech words memorized to it :-)

It was interesting last night's meeting place had me a little confused. The meeting place was sponsored by a Methodist church and so when I sat down I was surprised to see a large crucifixion in the front area of the room. I whispered to my former roommate is this normal for a Methodist church here in Brno. I had observed most places that had Jesus dying on the cross was found more in Catholic churches but knew anything was possible. Later I came to find out that this place is used by a number of churches including a Catholic one.

Another interesting aspect is how during the prayer time, anyone can stand up and pray aloud. There have been prayers for everything such as unity, for the lost, for Brno, for the Czech Republic and for the world. I remember they had these meetings during the first week of January when I first came to live here. This year they started them the 2nd week of January. I think it is a great idea to gather together, reflect on the new year, connect with other brothers and sisters in Christ and be reminded that we as believers in Jesus Christ are made one in Him. I believe prayer is one of the greatest things we can do and it is so encouraging to connect with others. My prayer is that not only would these Alliance Churches meet once a year but even more often than that-- why not quarterly--will you join me in prayer that God would open the eyes of the Brno Alliance church leaders to reach out even more during the year to one another.

Hope all is well and until next time, take care.

Many Blessings,


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