A Czech Journey

Friday, January 21, 2011

Why in Such a Hurry...

Hi Everyone, On Wednesday, I got the chance to spend some time with a few Czech friends and with a couple from Tampa. We went to a museum and saw an interesting glass exhibition. Our friend Katka was trying to explain that a relative from her father's side had actually had worked in the glass factory that was in the photo. She told me the word in Czech and wanted me to translate the word into English. I knew what she meant but was having a hard time finding the exact English word to use. I asked her to please tell me more of the context & then when she pointed to the photograph and told me in Czech that her relative had worked there in the early 1900s then it quickly came to me--"ancestor". She said yes that's the word I am thinking of. It amazes me how quickly I forget my English. This week I've been focusing on Czech grammar and studying Czech vocabulary (in preparation for the start of my 2 week Intensive Czech course that starts on the 24th of Jan.) so my English vocabulary at times suffers but when I concentrate it tends to come back around especially when I know the context of what someone is trying to say ;-)

On the way back home, I noticed that the tram I was riding in seemed to close their doors very quickly not even giving people much time to enter the tram. I thought maybe it is just me but it sure seems like the elderly people don't have much time to climb the stairs and get into the tram before it is taking off. I couldn't understand why the tram was in such a hurry. It was running on time and maybe even a little early. So I thought maybe its just me and I'm imagining it. Then yesterday evening as I rode a different tram home from the supermarket, I saw again the tram doors closed rapidly and this time the doors practically closing on a woman while she innocently waited for an elderly woman to pull herself up the stairs. I felt so sorry for the elderly woman and the woman who had the doors close on her started speaking Czech with me. She complained about what the driver did and I thought so what I saw on Wed. wasn't my imagination after all. The woman shared another story that had happened to another elderly woman on a different tram. She and I both didn't understand why some of the tram drivers are in such a hurry to close their doors. It seems like the elderly need a few extra seconds to get in and get situated at their seats. Why is it that people are in such a rush? I hope nobody will get hurt. I know that I also have seen at different times tram drivers waiting and not closing their doors so quickly so someone can catch that particular tram instead of having to wait for the next one. I'll have to remember to be careful to get on quickly and stay clear of the doors so they don't close on me :-)
Hope all is well and until next time, take care.

Many Blessings,


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