A Czech Journey

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Maybe He Didn't Have Enough Coffee...

Hi Everyone, I am not a big coffee drinker and never could understand why it is so important for people to have their coffee. But today my attitude might of changed a little. On Monday of this week my 2wk Intensive Czech course started. Things are going well and class begins at 9am each day. My apartment is close to several tram stops and I have 2 trams I can choose from to take the 8 minute ride to the university where my course is. I decided on #11 because it is 5 minutes earlier then #3 and today was a cold snowy slippery day so the closest stop tram#11 appeared to be the best one :-)

Everything went like clockwork, I was waiting at the stop and tram#11 came right on time. There were plenty of people in both tram cars. I entered the first car and took a seat. The driver pulled up to the light and waited for it to change. The light turned green and the tram went straight ahead to the next stop. At that moment I did a quick thought process to myself--"wait am I on tram 9 or 11 because #11 always turns right at the light to head towards the center and #9 always goes straight and heads to the train station". Then I saw people stand up and start asking the same questions in Czech-- "what happened"; "why are we going this direction". The tram driver drove to the next tram stop and opened the doors like this was normal to do. Someone must of said something to him because a few minutes later he started to apologize that he had went the wrong way because he thought he was driving tram#9 and not #11 LOL (when he was actually driving #11 :-) He asked us to exit the tram so I jumped off and since tram #3 was close by I jumped on there and made it to my class on time with a few minutes to spare. But you never know what to expect and that has never ever happened to me before so I can only guess that possibly he didn't have enough coffee this morning. I hope his day got better as it went along.

Hope all is well and until next time, take care!

Many Blessings,


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